Good, Better, Best: required versus recommended changes by reviewers - your feedback is requested

Hi All!
We are exploring language like this to summarize the requirements for package documentation. We have found that for larger packages, it’s more difficult to enforce both doc string inputs and outputs AND example code for ALL user-facing functions. We do encourage it however. so we could have “good enough” be that all user facing functions are documented in the code / user facing (online) docs. And better being there are tutorials and vignettes in addition. We will would want an example of how to get started using the package. Should that always be in the readme? Please provide your input here.

ok (required): all user facing functions (inputs and outputs) are documented both in the code and in the user-facing documentation.
better: all user facing functions are documented with examples (in tutorials or doc strings)
best: all user facing functions are documented and there is are tutorials (vignettes) that demonstrate example user workflows