Our Next Community Call is THURSDAY May 21 at 11am mountain time

Hey All!

Our next community meeting with be on Thursday, May 21st 2020 at 11am Mountain Time. Get the date and time translated to your time zone by clicking here .

LINK TO MEETING NOTES to be posted soon

Everyone is welcome!

ZOOM INFO: http://pyopensci.discourse.group/t/meeting-info-community-meeting-11am-mountain-time/169

Argg I’m gonna miss this one because of the JupyterHub team meeting - sorry! That said, my major updates are that we’ve re-vamped the dev_guide: https://www.pyopensci.org/dev_guide/intro.html

I think there is still other stuff to improve, and I’m happy to work with anyone (@jlpalomino? :slight_smile: ) to take some more iterative steps there

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@choldgraf no worries. thank you for all of the work you’ve done. I was thinking we could use today as a working meeting to look at the docs and improve them!!! we will work on issues then too if that works for you!! i have 1 new potential guest editor that i’d like to work with to see how onboarding goes given our docs!!

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Sweet! Feel free to @ me in some issues if you’d like me to check something out

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you rock!! i think that we should spend the next handful of meetings working like we did today!! it felt really productive and it’s an easy way to get people involved with tasks that don’t take a huge amount of time but add up as a whole!! great idea to have this focus for a while @choldgraf !!!