Meeting announcement: NASA Science Mission Directorate Workshop

The executive committee is pleased to announce the 2024 Software for the NASA Science Mission Directorate Workshop. The purpose of this workshop is to explore what the current opportunities and issues are for the various categories and lifecycle stages of software that are relevant for software efforts funded by the NASA Science Mission Directorate and to ignite wider collaborations on those challenges. We invite the community to this hybrid workshop to discuss these topics, identify challenges in each, and set priorities for paths forward as possible. The workshop will be hosted at NASA HQ in Washington, D.C., USA from Tuesday, May 7 to Thursday, May 9 of 2024. There will be no registration fee and the meeting will be virtual with an option for in-person attendance. In person attendance will be limited by venue capacity.

We are currently forming the program committee and please stay tuned for updates on registration, abstract submission, travel logistics, and other relevant information. We look forward to seeing you soon!

The Executive Committee


Rebecca Ringuette, HDRL

Steven Crawford, NASA HQ

Brian Thomas, HDRL

Mark Parsons, UAH/NASA OCSDO

Demitri Muna, NASA HQ

Iman Nasif, NASA HQ

Hello, pyOpenSci friends! We have an update from NASA on the 2024 Software for the NASA Science Mission Directorate Workshop–see below:

Dear Colleagues,

The executive and planning committees of the 2024 Software for the NASA Science Mission Directorate Workshop invite the NASA software community to register for the workshop and submit your abstracts. In the spirit of Open Science, the planning committee would also like to receive your input on the topics to be prioritized at the workshop. Please provide your input through the form on the website by March 29.

We welcome abstracts for talks, discussions sessions, and posters at the link. As part of the event, we plan for opportunities for people to share their work, so please consider submitting an abstract to share the exciting projects that you are developing!

Please note that registration and abstract submission are performed using the same form. Please see the form for details. Registration for virtual attendance will remain open after March 29, but in-person attendance and abstract submissions will only be fully considered if submitted prior to this date. As the target audience for this event, priority for selection of abstracts and in-person attendance will be given to NASA employees and contractors.

The 2024 Software for the NASA Science Mission Directorate Workshop will be hosted at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., USA from Tuesday, May 7 to Thursday, May 9 of 2024. The workshop aims to explore what the current opportunities and challenges are for the various categories and lifecycle stages of software that are relevant for activities funded by the NASA Science Mission Directorate. This includes increasing the visibility of software being developed and to ignite wider collaborations on those challenges between centers, missions, data repositories, and sciences.

We invite the community to this virtual workshop with an in-person option to discuss these topics, identify opportunities and challenges in each, and set priorities for paths forward as possible. There will be no registration fee and the meeting will be virtual with an option for in-person attendance. In-person attendance will be limited by venue capacity. Please visit the website for more information. We look forward to seeing you soon!