Over the past four years, @NickleDave has built the pyOpenSci Editor-in-Chief role from the ground-up, and overseen the publication of a multitude of open source, open science Python packages. Volunteers are the beating heart of pyOpenSci, and we’ve been absolutely blessed to have David involved over the past four years.
And while David is stepping down from the role of Editor-in-Chief, we’re looking forward to his continued contributions to pyOpenSci and the broader Python community
It really means a lot to me for you all to share this!
What a privilege it’s been to play a small part in helping pyOpenSci take off.
Now we can help our garden grow and cultivate it too .
Thank you @lwasser for everything I am learning from you.
And thank you @Jesse for everything you’re doing, including this amazing graphic!
I know I’m leaving things in good hands with @isabelizimm. Love that @Batalex@cmarmo and @SimonMolinsky have already signed up for EiC slots too. So great to be part of the community with you all. I have a feeling we will have a lot of good ideas for how we can make this role even better after the first round of rotations!
@nickledave i’ve learned SO MUCH from you too!! and am so grateful for your continued support for and involvement with pyOpenSci. it means the world to me!!